Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams

  • Title: A hybrid P2P/cloud for big data

  • Inria principal investigator: Patrick Valduriez

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of California at Santa Barbara (United States) - Distributed Systems Lab. - Amr El Abbadi and Divy Agrawal

  • Duration: 2013 -2015

  • See also: https://team.inria.fr/zenith/projects/international-projects/bigdatanet/

  • The main objective of this research and scientific collaboration is to develop a hybrid architecture of a computational platform that leverages the cloud computing and the P2P computing paradigms. The resulting architecture will enable scalable data management and data analysis infrastructures that can be used to host a variety of next-generation applications that benefit from computing, storage, and networking resources that exist not only at the network core (i.e., data-centers) but also at the network edge (i.e., machines at the user level as well as machines available in CDNs – content distribution networks hosted in ISPs).

International Benchmarks

  • Title: The CLEF Cross Language Image Retrieval Track

  • Inria principal investigator: Alexis Joly

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): HES-SO (Switzerland), Yahoo! Research (Spain), IBrandenburg Technical University (Germany), diap Research Institute (Switzerland), University of Alicante (Spain), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain), UMR AMAP (France)

  • Duration: 2011 -2013

  • See also: http://www.imageclef.org

  • Since its first edition in 2003, ImageCLEF has become one of the key initiatives promoting the benchmark evaluation of algorithms for the cross-language annotation and retrieval of images in various domains, such as public and personal images, to data acquired by mobile robot platforms and botanic collections. Over the years, by providing new data collections and challenging tasks to the community of interest, the ImageCLEF lab has achieved an unique position in the multi lingual image annotation and retrieval research landscape. As an illustration of its impact, the 2013 edition attracted more than 100 registered team world-wide and 42 of them did cross the finish line by submitting runs of their system [30] . Zenith, through the implication of Alexis Joly and Hervé Goëau, is one of the co-organizer of the lab and the initiator of the plant retrieval task since 2011

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

We have regular scientific relationships with research laboratories in

  • North America: Univ. of Waterloo (Tamer Özsu), Mc Gill, Montreal (Bettina Kemme).

  • Asia: National Univ. of Singapore (Beng Chin Ooi, Stéphane Bressan), Wonkwang University, Korea (Kwangjin Park)

  • Europe: Univ. of Amsterdam (Naser Ayat, Hamideh Afsarmanesh), Univ. of Madrid (Ricardo Jiménez-Periz), UPC Barcelona (Josep Lluis Larriba Pey, Victor Munoz)

Inria International Labs

The Bigdatanet associated team takes part in the Inria@SiliconValley lab.

Participation In other International Programs

We are involved in the following international actions:

  • FAPERJ-Inria project SwfP2Pcloud (Data-centric workflow management in hybrid P2P clouds, 2011-2013) with UFRJ (Marta Mattoso, Vanessa Braganholo, Alexandre Lima) and LNCC, Rio de Janeiro (Fabio Porto) to work on large scale scientific workflows in hybrid P2P clouds;

  • CNPq-Inria project Hoscar (HPC and data management, 2012-2015) with LNCC (Fabio Porto), UFC, UFRGS (Philippe Navaux), UFRJ (Alvaro Coutinho, Marta Mattoso) to work on data management in high performance computing environments.